Oxygen Finance

Deliver Social Value and Support Your Supply Chain

Improve the stability of your small business suppliers, allowing them to invest and grow with confidence.

Jenna Williams
Supporthub Analyst

businesses have received early payment
+ 0
paid early to small
businesses for free
0 bn
reason businesses fail is due to late payment
# 0
in debt interest saved by participating small firms
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Pay your small and micro business suppliers early for free

Want to meet your ESG commitments and support the parts of your supply chain that need the most help?

FreePay lets you meet your social value commitments and get cash quickly to the small business suppliers that need it most, without charge.

Get to know and support your local supply chain better

Identify the small, local businesses that rely on you for business growth.

Oxygen will use its database of suppliers to quickly determine which suppliers are small and micro, and then enroll them – ensuring cash gets to them quickly.

Save the valuable time of your accounts payable team

Use FreePay to free up your accounts payable team’s time, so they can focus on your priorities.

Tying into your existing ERP system, the process is ‘hands-free’ and fully automated – freeing up valuable accounts payable time and resource.

Trusted By 100s

A free benefit for your supply chain

FreePay is free to suppliers, providing a valuable alternative to short term debt products such as working capital loans.

Quick and pain-free implementation

Using a clear and established process, FreePay can be introduced quickly and efficiently into your finance systems.

Giving you the ESG data you need

A dashboard shows your early payment performance for each supplier sector, providing vital data for your ESG reporting.

FreePay lets you stay in control

With FreePay, early payment is only actioned when all pre-determined approvals have been met, so you stay in control.

Get in touch for a demo of how FreePay can meet your ESG commitments and make your business a preferred buyer.



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