Case Study

Driving growth in local economies: The Cumbria County Council and Oxygen Finance partnership

To generate income linked to a savings target of £80 million, Cumbria County Council worked with Oxygen to launch the Premier Supply Service.
Driving growth in local economies: The Cumbria County Council and Oxygen Finance partnership

£140m of annual spend on take up

200+ suppliers

£3.9m new income for the council

5 year renewal

The Challenge

The government has announced plans to cut public spending significantly, with local government being expected to shoulder the burden of a significant proportion of that reduction. Therefore, balancing the budget for local authorities is more acute than ever before. Councils now need to develop new income channels which are both sustainable and supportive of the local economy.

Oxygen’s Solution

With income generation in mind, linked to a savings target of £80 million by 2019, Cumbria County council engaged with Oxygen Finance in 2014 to introduce a Premier Supply Service (PSS).

In exchange for improved supplier relationship management, invoicing efficiencies and payment of invoices ahead of contracted terms, the council’s suppliers can elect to join the PSS for a small discount to each invoice. To ensure fairness, the discount taken against each invoice is proportional to the number of days in advance of contracted terms that payment is made. Implementing the PSS was a collaborative exercise with Oxygen personnel working closely with council staff.