Oxygen Finance

Start making data-led procurement decisions

Giving contracting authorities a clear, categorised view into public sector spending patterns.

public sector suppliers categorised and tracked
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spend categories covered across nine key markets
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public sector organisations' spend tracked
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invoices categorised at line-level for accuracy
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Empower your Procurement team with data-led contract decisions

Help your commissioners, procurement and category managers set strategy, manage your supply chain and make data-led contract decisions.

Benchmark your own public contracts alongside other comparable or neighbouring contracting authorities.

Discover new savings opportunities and support local suppliers

Struggling to identify opportunities for tail-spend savings? Want to diversify your procurement and support local suppliers?

Easily spot tail-spend savings opportunities, and find new local suppliers to support your social value agenda.

Simplify spend management with Insights' +160 industry categories

Insights Spend’s unique categorisation covers markets including Health, Care, Transport, Buildings, ICT, Waste, Civil Defence and Leisure.

Spend is broken down into +160 categories, allowing category managers to quickly evaluate their spend.

Trusted By

Most accurate UK public sector spend data

Each month we analyse over 1.7m invoices to give you fast and reliable public contracts data to support decision-making.

Understand your negotiating position

Spot co-dependencies with suppliers, understand your share of their income and whether government earnings are in decline.

Consistent source of public sector spend

Data is cleaned, aggregated and categorised so that spending trends can be easily seen and shape procurement policy.

Local and central government trust Oxygen

Trusted by councils and local government, NHS trusts and ICSs through to emergency services and government departments.

Book a call for a personalised demonstration and learn how Insights Spend can help your procurement team.


Libby Daniels - Director of Client Services


How To Create The Perfect Pipeline Management Process (or How To Create Order From Chaos)
Increasing demands on the public purse continue to put procurement teams under pressure. But with budgets continuing to shrink, strategic management of ever-growing pipelines and …

Case Study

Bexley Council’s journey to becoming one of the fastest paying councils
Oxygen’s team of process change experts worked with Bexley Council’s finance and IT teams to launch their early payment programme. …


Net-Zero Driving Growth in Council EV Infrastructure Opportunities
As councils get ready for net-zero there has been a significant rise in EV Chargepoint and Infrastructure opportunities over the last 3 months. …

Case Study

From spreadsheets to success: Croydon Council’s search for a Pipeline Management solution
Croydon Council used Pipeline Manager to accurately track procurement events from pipeline through to contract management. …