Oxygen Finance

Case Study

From spreadsheets to success: Croydon Council’s search for a Pipeline Management solution

Croydon Council used Pipeline Manager to accurately track procurement events from pipeline through to contract management.
From spreadsheets to success: Croydon Council's search for a Pipeline Management solution

The Challenge

Croydon Council spend over £549m with external suppliers every year, bought through a 24-person procurement team.

As part of a review of their procurement processes the team found that they needed a pipeline management solution, especially in light of upcoming legislation changes which will require larger local authorities to publish their procurement pipelines.

The team had previously relied on a master spreadsheet to track both their procurement pipeline and contract register. During the review they identified the need for a new reliable and easy-to-use solution that would meet the team’s user access, data integrity and reporting needs.

The procurement team conducted a market investigation to evaluate the available solutions. They also talked to other councils, and found the majority were also still using spreadsheets.

Unable to find a suitable solution on the open market, they briefed the council’s internal software development team, but other priorities unfortunately meant a lengthy wait before development could begin.

Oxygen’s Solution

Pipeline Manager met the Council’s user access management, security, audit trail, and monitoring requirements, with custom fields that could be added to meet their individual needs.

The tool let the procurement team import their existing data and link related procurement events together in order to accurately track procurement events from pipeline through to contract management.

The data can show the complete picture, aiding in prioritisation, workload management, and providing actionable business intelligence.

The team is now using Pipeline Manager to track tenders and contracts across over 500 procurement projects, with the ability to add as much supporting detail to each event as needed. Benefits include a better audit trail, easier data input, improved data integrity, single sign on and ability to access from anywhere.

Scott Funnell, Head of Strategic Procurement at Croydon Council, said; “Our spreadsheet-based pipeline and contract register needed improvements and was not giving us the holistic view we desired. We realised the Oxygen Finance Pipeline Manager met our needs.

“Oxygen listened to our requirements, and I was very impressed with the speed of implementation. We’re delighted with Pipeline Manager and happily recommend it to other procurement teams.”