Oxygen Finance

Case Study

Laser-sighted Business Development: Bellrock’s data-oriented approach with Insights

Bellrock use Insights Spend & Pre-Procurement to spot pre-tender opportunities so their sales team can book meetings with decision makers.

The Challenge

Bellrock Property and Facilities Management Ltd (Bellrock) is a technology-enabled business operating in the property and facilities management services sector, with a team of 1,500 property and facilities professionals located at 75 sites across the UK.

Bellrock’s range of property and facilities management services are delivered through their business divisions: Workplace & Compliance, Technical & Real Estate and Maintenance & Engineering.

Before using Oxygen Insights, the business development team would spend considerable time retrieving and reviewing contract registers, cabinet reports, FOI requests and other documents to seek out new opportunities.  This was incredibly time consuming, especially given the multiple business units and market sectors served by Bellrock.  It was an inefficient use of the business development team’s time and took resource away from higher value activity. A lack of awareness of future opportunities also made forecasting difficult.

Oxygen’s Solution

Bellrock now use Oxygen Insights Pre-Procurement and Insights Spend to automatically identify relevant opportunities, pre-tender.  They are now able to find quality qualified leads that their sales team can use to immediately book meetings and facilitate conversations with key decision makers.

Instead of spending time trying to find opportunities, the business development team can focus their efforts on proactive engagement of known opportunities and investing their time in bids and thereby increasing sales conversion.

Bellrock chose Insights because of the extensive coverage within the company’s target sectors, combined with the depth and richness of the data; this is essential to support the different business divisions within Bellrock.

What The Client Says

“Insights is an essential solution that we heavily rely upon to give us deep data insights into our strategic market segments. Before using Insights, our business development teams spent hundreds of hours sporadically retrieving contract registers, FOI requests and other strategic documents. We use the data from Insights to formulate our strategic development plans, which is also essential in establishing go/no-go decisions, providing significant savings in bidding activity. Our business development is more laser-sighted and data-oriented, transforming our pipeline from potential to predictable revenue. Frankly, I shudder when thinking back to the days before we used Insights!”

James Heysmond, Business Development Director, Bellrock Group



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