Oxygen Finance

Track Public Sector Spend & Contracts by Framework

Examine framework usage for your products and services, identify buyers and suppliers, and assess call-off numbers and values.

call-offs identified
+ 0
of awarded value
0 bn
awarded suppliers
+ 0

Track all major frameworks including CCS, NEPO and YPO

Access an extensive list of Public Buying Organisations including: CCS, NEPO, YPO, ESPO, HealthTrust Europe and NSH SBS

View the live and expired frameworks for each provider by market segment to identify your best routes to market.

Understand the supplier universe

Gain valuable insights into who’s working with who and what routes to market they’ve been taking. 

Fingertip access to frameworks that your target buyers and competitors have been transacting on. 

Find all possible routes to market

Make life simple covering all your bases and making sure that your business has maximum visibility to your buyers.

Conduct searches by category, organisation, supplier, keyword, and provider and make life easier for buyers to transact with you. 

Trusted By

Learn how competitors are winning work

Transform your approach to winning work. Finally see framework call offs, plus identify the frameworks your competitors are being awarded work through.

Spot gaps in your go-to-market strategy

Identify the frameworks you're not listed on (but should be) that public sector buyers are using to procure your products and services.

Find opportunities for partnerships

Missed the boat? Using Insights frameworks you can spot potential partnership opportunities with already-listed suppliers.

Finally see the complete picture

Combine Frameworks data with Oxygen Insight's Pre-Procurement, Spend Intelligence, Notices, and Contracts data for an unparalleled view of your public sector market.

Get a demo and see how Insights Frameworks can help complete your go-to-market public sector intelligence.



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